Evaluating Generosity
Megan Schull
2025 GIFT Stewardship Campaign Team
“Jesus said, ‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’”
Tithing has always been something that was a bit of a touchy subject for me. Not because I do not like to give… I truly enjoy giving. But rather, discussing tithing brings to light financial insecurities surrounding “material wealth” and its implication on my success and the stability of my family’s future. It elicits a certain self-scrutiny, if you will.
But as my children have gotten older, I pay more and more attention to what my actions are teaching them. Am I showing them how to be a true disciple and use their faith as their North Star?
In a world of abundantly competing priorities and commitments, showing my children in action how to live out their faith is at the forefront of my mind. As I have prayed and pondered, the answer becomes increasingly clear… I must show them through stewardship. I must show them how to prioritize God, their church and their faith in Christ in a world that is full of distraction, by prioritizing the giving of my time and resources.
As I began to evaluate my generosity, I had to reflect: Am I giving in comfort or am I giving in faith in response to all Jesus has done? Do I really give my firstfruits or do I give my leftovers? Am I giving with the faith of the poor widow or am I giving only out of excess? These were very difficult questions, but the fruits of these pursuits have been ten fold.
Our monthly giving has been a catalyst for spiritual growth, a deeper connection within our church community and a deeper faith bringing a sense of peace and order. Conversations around giving and generosity have helped our family live with an attitude of gratitude, remembering all that Jesus has given to us. This is truly a transformational perspective and a cornerstone of what I want for my children as they are immersed in a culture of comparison which can leave them feeling less than.
I am certainly not living out stewardship perfectly every day. But it is a baseline, a foundation, steering my faith journey. When I feel our priorities shifting, I can reflect on the efforts of stewardship and quickly see how to right the course.
Our financial stewardship causes a domino effect in our lives. It increases our investment, involvement, our connection and our faith. The returns are immeasurable and it feels like I am planting the seeds of discipleship in my children that will guide them in the years to come.
I encourage us all to reflect upon our priorities and then upon our actions. Are we living out our faith in Jesus as we intend in our hearts and minds? Are we teaching discipleship to others through our actions? And how can steps forward in our stewardship journey have a domino effect of faith in our lives?