Life Events
Our Anglican tradition recognizes sacraments and sacramental rites as “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace.” (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 857)
Holy Baptism is administered in the context of Sunday worship services. Anyone who wants to make a mature and public commitment to the Christian faith, or a commitment on behalf of their children, may be baptized after attending a Baptism Preparation Class.
It is the custom of the Church to offer Baptism during the major celebrations of the Church’s year. Therefore, St. Philip’s offers Holy Baptism many times a year when we celebrate the life of the Lord Jesus and of His Church.
To inquire about Baptism, contact Sarah McKee.
All baptized persons are encouraged to make a mature public affirmation of their baptism and to receive God’s blessing by the laying on of hands by the Bishop – also called Confirmation. If you were baptized as an infant, Confirmation presents the opportunity to publicly take personal responsibility for the vows made on your behalf at baptism. For those baptized as adults, it is an opportunity to publicly unite ourselves to the Church.
If you were previously confirmed in the Roman Catholic or Lutheran church, you will be Received. Confirmation occurs for anyone who has not been confirmed before or was confirmed in another denomination.
Confirmation takes place at St. Philip’s once a year in the spring when the Bishop visits. However, it is possible to be confirmed at St. Matthew’s Cathedral downtown at other times during the year.
Confirmation Preparation
Adults need to attend a 6-week class called The Episcopal Way that is offered in the spring during Sundays @ 10:15. Learn more on the Adult page for more information about the Adult Confirmation process.
Youth Confirmation class is geared toward middle and high school students. Learn more on the Youth page for Youth Confirmation details.
Christian marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is the beginning of a life-long union between a woman and man by making vows before God and the Church and receiving the grace and blessing of God to help fulfill these vows.
Couples wishing to be married at St. Philip’s will need to go through pre-marriage counseling with a member of the clergy, as well as planning a date for the ceremony.
Contact Amy Hill for more information.
Arranging for a Christian burial, memorial, or graveside service for your loved one is stressful. Let the Pastoral Care team assist you during this difficult time to make arrangements and necessary decisions.
Our prayer garden includes an columbarium to inter ashes of the deceased loved ones. Contact Amy Hill for more information.